From Blood and Ash

  • Post by Rachel Comish
  • May 09, 2019
Level: YA
Recommended Age: 18+
Genres: Fantasy, Romance
Tags: Disguise, Paranormal, Royalty, Vampires, War
Mature Content:

  - Mature sexuality: Multiple sex scenes, kissing, and allusions to sexual abuse.

  - Mature violence: Physical abuse, murder, maiming, and injury.

  - Mature language: Swearing, including multiple F bombs.

Poppy has always lived with the knowledge of her fate. As the Maiden, she has a responsibility to the people and a future already decided for her. Her constant veil covers her face, both keeping her separated from society and hiding the scars that should have killed her as a child.

She lives with the Duke and Duchess until she comes of age to Ascend and become immortal and blessed. But not everyone agrees with the immortal Ascended, and Poppy must be protected from danger. When she needs a new guard, a young soldier is chosen to protect her. But unlike everyone else, he sees her first as herself and second as the Maiden. For the first time, Poppy starts to wonder if perhaps her fate isn’t so sealed after all. As her enemies close in, Poppy fights to survive in a world that seems determined to control her, uncertain if this life is the one she wants at all.


“Now you insult me after throwing a dagger at my face? You’ve wounded my tender feelings.”

This is a fast fun read with a delicious romance and interesting world building. I loved the relationships, especially how Poppy’s guards fuss over her and train her secretly so she can defend herself. While there is some backstory about the kingdom and politics, that’s something that will hopefully be expanded on in the sequel.

Poppy feels a duty to the people, having been raised as a sort of savior figure. She’s supposed to accept her fate as a servant to the people, but she’s too smart for her own good and can’t stop asking questions that get her into trouble. She’s supposed to be demure, but she sneaks out to train as a fighter and lets her temper get the best of her. She’s a fiery character, which makes a good protagonist. Events in her life are pushed forward when she gets a new guard and has a bit of fun.

The romance is perfectly timed, with just enough smolder and build up. Her guard Hawke is a mysterious and smirking sort of love interest, with fun little one liners and a deep devotion to Poppy that makes her take another look at her life. He’s the catalyst in her story, revealing truths and fighting against evils that she had accepted as normal.

This fun romance is full of intriguing world building, heartfelt relationships, and witty banty. Poppy and Hawke fight and love in equal measure, providing a fast paced story full of action, romance, and delicious secrets.

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